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That Face You Make When They Have Pulled the Wool Over Everyones Eyes but You Know the Truth

  • The plot thickens 情况愈发扑朔迷离
  • All at sea 一片茫然,不知所措
  • Don't mind me 不用管我,忽略我
  • Cramp my style 束手束脚,妨碍发挥
  • You couldn't make it up 难以置信
  • There's nothing to it 很简单,没有难度
  • Sick as a parrot 失望透顶
  • Eke out 精打细算

    Eke out 精打细算

    Episode 220111 / eleven Jan 2022

    Don't waste this phrase

  • Say no more 别说了,我懂
  • Scrub up well 好好打扮一番
  • 收礼时的客套话 You shouldn't have
  • Not looking/feeling too clever 气色不好/感觉不舒服
  • Not like the sound of something 某消息不合我意
  • I'll give you that 我部分同意
  • Another string to your bow 有两手准备,还有一手
  • Clap back 回击、顶嘴
  • Talk through your hat 信口开河
  • Quote… unquote 在口语中的用法
  • Not a patch on something 远不如之前那个好
  • No cap 说真的

    No cap 说真的

    Episode 211019 / nineteen Oct 2021

    Practise you lot know someone who always tells the truth?

  • Moreish 让人吃了还想吃
  • A legend in one's own lifetime/lunchtime 有生之年就声名显赫/自命不凡
  • Live rent-free in one's head 在脑海中挥之不去
  • Now you're talking 这才对嘛,这才像话
  • Hits different 格外触动
  • Extra 太过头、太夸张

    Extra 太过头、太夸张

    Episode 210907 / 07 Sep 2021

    Who do you lot retrieve is actress?

  • Zhuzh 让某物更有趣

    Zhuzh 让某物更有趣

    Episode 210831 / 31 Aug 2021

    Tin can you lot pronounce this word?

  • Lo and behold 真没想到,你瞧
  • Bigwig 大人物

    Bigwig 大人物

    Episode 210817 / 17 Aug 2021

    A word with power

  • Cringe 很尴尬

    Blench 很尴尬

    Episode 210810 / 10 Aug 2021

    What is 'cringe'?

  • It's the… for me 就这点让我特别喜欢/受不了
  • 口语小词 obvs

    口语小词 obvs

    Episode 210727 / 27 Jul 2021

    An obvious phrase

  • Down/up for something 乐意参与某事
  • Lit 超赞,棒极了

    Lit 超赞,棒极了

    Episode 210706 / 06 Jul 2021

    Is it lit?

  • YOLO 人生只有一次,要活出精彩
  • Vibe 气氛,给人的感觉

    Vibe 气氛,给人的感觉

    Episode 210615 / 15 Jun 2021

    Have you got a good vibe?

  • Noob 菜鸟,新手

    Noob 菜鸟,新手

    Episode 210608 / 08 Jun 2021

    Are y'all a newbie?

  • Adulting 做大人该做的事情
  • Slay 很酷,让人赞不绝口
  • Push back 推迟,延期
  • A botch job 一个粗制滥造的活儿
  • It slaps 非常棒

    Information technology slaps 非常棒

    Episode 210420 / 20 April 2021

    What do you lot retrieve slaps?

  • Have a lot of plates spinning 如转盘子杂技一样,兼顾多项工作
  • Pizzazz 活力、魅力
  • Oomph 活力,热情

    Oomph 活力,热情

    Episode 210330 / 30 Mar 2021

    Have you lot got oomph?

  • Snap up 抢购

    Snap upward 抢购

    Episode 210323 / 23 Mar 2021

    A quick expression!

  • Nothingburger 空心汉堡
  • Clout 影响力

    Clout 影响力

    Episode 210302 / 02 Mar 2021

    Exercise yous have some clout?

  • GOAT 史上最佳

    GOAT 史上最佳

    Episode 210223 / 23 February 2021

    Who do you think is the GOAT?

  • Workation 工作旅行

    Workation 工作旅行

    Episode 210216 / 16 Feb 2021

    Accept you been on a workation recently?

  • Slap-bang 恰到好处

    Slap-bang 恰到好处

    Episode 210202 / 02 February 2021

    A phrase to depict an exact position

  • Sadfishing 卖惨

    Sadfishing 卖惨

    Episode 210126 / 26 Jan 2021

    A phrase that needs your attention

  • Mic drop 扔话筒

    Mic drop 扔话筒

    Episode 210119 / 19 Jan 2021

    Take you lot ever performed a mic drop?

  • Tone deaf 五音不全,充耳不闻
  • A game 最佳状态,最巅峰的表现
  • Frontliner 一线工作者
  • On fleek 美呆了!

    On fleek 美呆了!

    Episode 201215 / 15 Dec 2020

    Learn a fashionable phrase

  • Contact tracing 接触者追踪
  • Key worker 关键工作人员
  • Sharenting "晒娃"

    Episode 201124 / 24 Nov 2020

    Don't share as well many photos of your children

  • Spoiler alert 剧透警告
  • Listicle 清单体

    Listicle 清单体

    Episode 201103 / 03 Nov 2020

    Is information technology an article? Is it a list? No, information technology's a listicle!

  • Doomscrolling 阴暗刷屏
  • Crowdsourcing 众包
  • One step at a time 一步一个脚印
  • Bog-standard 极其普通,毫无新意
  • A wake-up call 警钟
  • Climate emergency 气候紧急状态
  • Thirsty 作俚语的意思

    Thirsty 作俚语的意思

    Episode 200915 / 15 Sep 2020

    Why are people saying 'thirsty'?

  • Vanilla 普通,无趣
  • Roast 批评,吐槽

    Roast 批评,吐槽

    Episode 200901 / 01 Sep 2020

    How tin a person exist roasted?

  • Sticking point 分歧点
  • Flatten the curve 拉平曲线
  • Living in a bubble 活在泡泡中 与世隔绝
  • New normal 新常态
  • Slippery slope 滑坡效应
  • Bite the bullet 咬紧牙关 迎难而上
  • Blended working 混合式弹性工作安排
  • JOMO 错失的快乐

    JOMO 错失的快乐

    Episode 200623 / 23 Jun 2020

    Don't miss out on this phrase!

  • Furlough 强制休假

    Furlough 强制休假

    Episode 200616 / 16 Jun 2020

    A temporary working absence

  • Flexing 炫耀

    Flexing 炫耀

    Episode 200602 / 02 Jun 2020

    Who do yous know who flexes?

  • Salty 恼羞成怒

    Salty 恼羞成怒

    Episode 200526 / 26 May 2020

    What makes you get salty?

  • Skeleton crew 最低人数的工作人员
  • 流行语 lowkey

    流行语 lowkey

    Episode 200512 / 12 May 2020

    What practice yous lowkey beloved?

  • Live for something 为某事而活着
  • Cabin fever 幽居病
  • Bang on about something 喋喋不休
  • Running on fumes 疲惫不堪
  • Left on read 已读不回
  • Hater 怀恨者

    Hater 怀恨者

    Episode 200317 / 17 Mar 2020

    Don't hate this phrase!

  • Snackable 快餐式内容
  • Memory like a sieve 记忆像滤网
  • Nomophobia 无手机恐惧症
  • Peacocking 像孔雀般地炫耀
  • Kick into the long grass 将事物踢到长长的草丛中去
  • Microworker 微工人

    Microworker 微工人

    Episode 200121 / 21 Jan 2020

    If you exercise small tasks for tech firms and then this new discussion describes your chore!

  • Serial returner 连环退货买家

    Serial returner 连环退货买家

    Episode 200114 / 14 Jan 2020

    Feifei's had a new coat every day this calendar month. What is she up to?!

  • Talk the talk 说话头头是道

    Talk the talk 说话头头是道

    Episode 200107 / 07 Jan 2020

    Neil can talk the talk, but does he know what he's talking about?

  • Out with the old, in with the new 除旧迎新
  • The more the merrier 人越多越有意思
  • Take one for the team 为了集体,牺牲个人
  • Mind your p's and q's 注意你的言谈举止
  • Dad dancing 老爸舞姿

    Dad dancing 老爸舞姿

    Episode 191203 / 03 December 2019

    Swing those arms, milkshake those hips!

  • Big data 大数据

    Big data 大数据

    Episode 191126 / 26 Nov 2019

    Data is everywhere… Only what to practice with it?

  • Punch above your weight 挑战重量级,超常发挥
  • Social media influencer 网络红人
  • Ghosting 突然消失

    Ghosting 突然消失

    Episode 191029 / 29 Oct 2019

    Is someone ignoring all your calls and messages?

  • Slow TV 慢电视

    Slow TV 慢电视

    Episode 191022 / 22 Oct 2019

    Considering life doesn't need to be fast, fast, fast

  • Tiger mother 虎妈

    Tiger female parent 虎妈

    Episode 191015 / fifteen Oct 2019

    What'due south the best way to assist your kids succeed in life?

  • Buzzkill 扫兴的人/事

    Buzzkill 扫兴的人/事

    Episode 191008 / 08 Oct 2019

    Ane infinitesimal you were feeling happy, and then…

  • Buyer's remorse 买家懊悔
  • Freecycle 免费捐赠闲置物品
  • Carbon footprint 碳足迹

    Carbon footprint 碳足迹

    Episode 190917 / 17 Sep 2019

    Love to travel, but worried about the environment?

  • Cough up 不情愿地掏腰包
  • Brain fade 大脑一片空白
  • Fib 说瞎话 撒小谎

    Fib 说瞎话 撒小谎

    Episode 190827 / 27 Aug 2019

    A little word for a niggling prevarication

  • Hot under the collar 怒气冲冲 局促不安
  • Eat your heart out (玩笑话)比你强多了!
  • Across 有一个意思 字典里找不到
  • Fat chance 希望渺茫

    Fat adventure 希望渺茫

    Episode 190730 / 30 Jul 2019

    An expression almost likelihood

  • Milk it 利用时机 榨取好处
  • Cherry-pick 择优挑选
  • It's a small world 这世界真小
  • To vanish into thin air 消失得无影无踪
  • Get the short straw 干最苦的差事
  • Soft skills 软技能
  • Big deal 没什么了不起!
  • Clever clogs 自以为聪明的人
  • Couch surfing 沙发冲浪
  • It's like riding a bike 像骑自行车一样,学过就忘不了
  • Out of Order 办事欠妥当

    Out of Order 办事欠妥当

    Episode 190430 / 30 Apr 2019

    What actions are considered out of order in your state?

  • "Dead" 在英式口语中的用法

    Episode 190423 / 23 April 2019

    Learn a new mode to say 'very' in this week's Accurate Real English

  • Give someone the runaround 让某人跑来跑去
  • The joke's on you 玩笑开到自己头上
  • To pull the wool over someone's eyes 给人眼前蒙一层羊毛 = 骗人
  • Take the rough with the smooth 既能享乐也能吃苦
  • Hard-nosed 顽强务实
  • To have a soft spot 情有独钟
  • To make a song and dance (about something) 小题大做
  • Giant killer 打败强大对手的巨人杀手
  • A shock to the system 一件让人难以应对的事
  • From pillar to post 东奔西跑
  • Small talk 寒暄

    Pocket-size talk 寒暄

    Episode 190122 / 22 Jan 2019

    A phrase well-nigh informal chat

  • A bright spark 一词多意:聪明人和蠢人
  • To be all downhill 容易走的下坡路
  • It's the thought that counts 礼轻情意重
  • Digital detox 数字排毒
  • Throw in the towel 认输、放弃
  • A walk in the park 轻而易举的事
  • Something to chew on 仔细考虑
  • Waffle on 唠唠叨叨 东拉西扯
  • Skew-whiff 歪歪扭扭

    Skew-whiff 歪歪扭扭

    Episode 181009 / 09 Oct 2018

    A phrase for when things don't await right…

  • Play a blinder 表现出彩
  • Miffed 生气恼火

    Miffed 生气恼火

    Episode 180925 / 25 Sep 2018

    Learn a discussion to show disapointment

  • Humblebrag 谦虚自夸
  • Out of your depth 水没头顶 无法驾驭
  • Mardy 烦躁易怒

    Mardy 烦躁易怒

    Episode 180904 / 04 Sep 2018

    A moody expression

  • Curry favour 阿谀奉承
  • Step on it 踩一脚油门
  • Ping 封邮件 ping 条短信
  • Crunch time 关键时刻
  • My bad 是我的错
  • Catch-22 左右为难 进退两难
  • Let the dust settle 让尘埃落定
  • Nothing to shout about 没什么可喜可贺的
  • Let sleeping dogs lie 别惊动睡着的狗
  • That'll teach you! 这回你该长记性了!
  • Rub it in 反复讲别人不爱听的事情

    Rub it in 反复讲别人不爱听的事情

    Episode 180410 / 10 Apr 2018

    An expression most reminding someone of something they'd rather forget.

  • Smombie 手机僵尸

    Smombie 手机僵尸

    Episode 180403 / 03 Apr 2018

    Smartphone zombie!

  • Living in cloud cuckoo land 生活在虚无缥缈的世界里
  • A taste of your own medicine 以其人之道,还治其人之身
  • Happy-go-lucky 乐天派
  • The best of both worlds 两全其美
  • Bone idle 懒到骨头里了
  • Not gonna lie 实话实说
  • A knees-up 欢快的社交聚会
  • Fly it 的意思是"扇翅膀"吗?

    Episode 170919 / 19 Sep 2017

    Learn an informal expression for when you accept to improvise

  • Pot luck 这个词和运气有关吗?
  • Jiggery-pokery 骗人的把戏
  • Left, right, and centre 四面八方
  • Donkey's years 很长时间
  • Snowflake 过于敏感的人,容易生气的人
  • Echo chamber 回声室效应
  • Give us a bell 给我打电话
  • The heat is on 忙碌的日子即将开始
  • A wet weekend 无聊的时光
  • No picnic 并非易事

    No picnic 并非易事

    Episode 170704 / 04 Jul 2017

    Learn a phrase that involves endeavor

  • A busman's holiday 照常工作的节假日
  • Fuddy-duddy 观念守旧的人
  • No great shakes 不怎么样
  • Not a sausage 一丁点也没有
  • Long 冗长乏味的

    Long 冗长乏味的

    Episode 170530 / 30 May 2017

    Love ironing? Or is it 'long'?

  • All over the shop 到处都是
  • It comes with the territory 理所当然,必然的结果
  • It won't wash 没有说服力
  • Jack-of-all-trades 多面手
  • The coast is clear 已无危险
  • Pull a fast one 欺骗,行骗
  • Suck it and see 试试看
  • To cut your teeth 初次尝试做某事
  • Shrinkflation 缩水式通胀
  • La-la Land 想法不切实际
  • A different kettle of fish 截然不同的事
  • At the drop of a hat 毫不犹豫地
  • Brass neck 厚脸皮

    Brass neck 厚脸皮

    Episode 170221 / 21 Feb 2017

    An expression about saying what you lot think

  • Reinvent the wheel 浪费时间做无用功
  • Frenemy 友敌

    Frenemy 友敌

    Episode 170207 / 07 February 2017

    False friends

  • To be fair 说句公道话

    To be off-white 说句公道话

    Episode 170131 / 31 Jan 2017

    Give both sides of the argument with this phrase

  • On the box 上演的电视节目

    On the box 上演的电视节目

    Episode 170124 / 24 Jan 2017

    Watching a 'box' can't be very enjoyable, tin can it?

  • Duck 友好的称呼 "duck"

    Episode 170117 / 17 Jan 2017

    When being called 'duck' is a expert matter

  • Bottle 勇敢,勇气

    Bottle 勇敢,勇气

    Episode 170110 / 10 January 2017

    Don't lose your bottle!

  • Got your number 我知道你打的什么算盘
  • A slap in the face 一记耳光
  • Clickbait 点击诱饵

    Clickbait 点击诱饵

    Episode 161220 / 20 Dec 2016

    Click here for nonsense. Larn some cyber vocabulary

  • Mash-up 混搭

    Mash-upward 混搭

    Episode 161213 / 13 December 2016

    If you mix A and B, exercise yous become C?

  • Air kiss 飞吻

    Air kiss 飞吻

    Episode 161206 / 06 Dec 2016

    When is a kiss not a buss?

  • Mansplaining 男人说教

    Mansplaining 男人说教

    Episode 161129 / 29 Nov 2016

    Has a homo ever over-explained something to you?

  • Rolling in it 财源滚滚,腰缠万贯
  • Photobomb 抢镜头

    Photobomb 抢镜头

    Episode 161115 / 15 Nov 2016

    Someone'due south in my photograph!

  • Cyberchondriac 上网自诊狂
  • Wash your dirty linen in public 家丑外扬
  • Cat got your tongue? 不吭声,无言以对
  • It takes two to tango 一个巴掌拍不响
  • Knee-jerk reaction 本能反映
  • Axe to grind 别有用心

    Axe to grind 别有用心

    Episode 161004 / 04 October 2016

    An expression for when someone's got a strong opinion

  • Close, but no cigar 几近成功
  • Get someone's goat 火冒三丈
  • Bust a gut 拼了命地工作
  • Old-school 老一套,老派
  • Shedloads 大量,许多
  • Hangry 饥饿成怒

    Hangry 饥饿成怒

    Episode 160823 / 23 Aug 2016

    A phrase for people who get angry when they don't eat

  • Pull something out of the hat 突施妙计
  • In the blink of an eye  一眨眼之间
  • Off the hook 脱身

    Off the hook 脱身

    Episode 160802 / 02 Aug 2016

    Here's a phrase for when you lot complimentary someone from an obligation

  • Barefaced 厚颜无耻的

    Barefaced 厚颜无耻的

    Episode 160726 / 26 Jul 2016

    A phrase about existence assuming and shameless

  • To make a mountain out of a molehill 小题大做
  • The last/final straw 忍无可忍,使人最终崩溃的一击
  • The university of life 生活经历
  • White / blue-collar worker 白领,蓝领
  • Drama queen 小题大做的人

    Drama queen 小题大做的人

    Episode 160621 / 21 Jun 2016

    Here's a phrase to describe someone who overreacts easily

  • It's on the cards 这件事十有八九会发生
  • Until I'm blue in the face 任凭你磨破嘴皮
  • Clean up your act 改邪归正

    Make clean upwards your deed 改邪归正

    Episode 160531 / 31 May 2016

    Someone behaving desperately? Here'south a phrase that tells them what to practise

  • You're pulling my leg! 你在愚弄我!
  • One good turn deserves another 以德报德,礼尚往来
  • To fall at the first hurdle  跌倒在第一关
  • Pain in the neck 令人讨厌的事情或人

    Pain in the neck 令人讨厌的事情或人

    Episode 160503 / 03 May 2016

    Acquire the phrase Helen needs to describe the headache her mobile phone company is causing her

  • Burn a hole in your pocket 有钱不花难受
  • To turn something upside down 把……翻个底朝天
  • Going forward 从今往后
  • A recipe for disaster 后患无穷
  • Crash course 速成课

    Crash course 速成课

    Episode 160329 / 29 Mar 2016

    A really fast style to acquire something!

  • You've sold it to me 我完全信你
  • Full of the joys of spring  非常高兴,充满喜悦
  • A leopard can't change its spots 江山易改,本性难移
  • Six of one, half a dozen of the other  半斤八两,不相上下
  • Test the water 试探,摸底

    Test the h2o 试探,摸底

    Episode 160223 / 23 Feb 2016

    A water phrase which may accept nothing to do with water

  • To lie through your teeth  睁眼说瞎话
  • To make a monkey out of me  捉弄我
  • There's method to my madness 我有一个不合常理的办法
  • In good nick 品质好、没有损坏
  • Cheap and cheerful 物美价廉
  • A bitter pill to swallow 不得不吞的苦药
  • Potty 疯了

    Potty 疯了

    Episode 151229 / 29 Dec 2015

    Learn a phrase to describe someone going mad

  • I'm game 我很愿意

    I'm game 我很愿意

    Episode 151222 / 22 Dec 2015

    Neil is dying for a game of squash but Li is not game. Detect out why…

  • That'll put hairs on your chest! 那会使你健康强壮!
  • To fancy someone 喜欢上了某人
  • Down the pan 泡汤了、完蛋了
  • Part of the furniture 常客,长期没有变动的人
  • Sweet tooth 爱吃甜食

    Sweet molar 爱吃甜食

    Episode 151117 / 17 November 2015

    Do you have a sweet tooth? Is information technology something that you are born with or practice you lot develop it?

  • Bumper-to-bumper 交通长龙

    Bumper-to-bumper 交通长龙

    Episode 151110 / 10 Nov 2015

    When a automobile bumper is near touching another auto bumper, you know the situation on the road is bad

  • Eye candy 虚有其表的人或物

    Eye processed 虚有其表的人或物

    Episode 151103 / 03 Nov 2015

    Going out with a good-looking merely uninteresting person?

  • Thingy 忘了名称的物或人

    Thingy 忘了名称的物或人

    Episode 151027 / 27 Oct 2015

    An expression for when you tin can't quite think the names of people and things

  • Across the pond 大西洋彼岸

    Across the pond 大西洋彼岸

    Episode 151020 / twenty October 2015

    Learn an expression which makes an ocean sound very small-scale indeed

  • People person 人缘好的人

    People person 人缘好的人

    Episode 151013 / 13 Oct 2015

    Are you good at working with people? This expression might describe y'all

  • A steal 物美价廉就像是白送的

    A steal 物美价廉就像是白送的

    Episode 151006 / 06 Oct 2015

    Have you paid very little money for something normally expensive? Acquire an expression for when y'all find a bargain

  • Bull and bear market  牛市和熊市

    Bull and behave market 牛市和熊市

    Episode 150929 / 29 Sep 2015

    Learn what you say when share prices ascension and when they autumn. We assistance y'all to understand financial terms

  • Social media words 社交媒体用语

    Social media words 社交媒体用语

    Episode 150922 / 22 Sep 2015

    'Trolls' and 'haters' are the people who want to annoy y'all. The names are part of the new vocabulary of social media

  • Don't give up the day job 做好眼下的工作,不要追求不可能成功的事情
  • A barrel of laughs "开心果"

    Episode 150908 / 08 Sep 2015

    What object is full of laughs? This is a phrase that describes someone who is fun

  • To know something like the back of your hand 了如指掌
  • A face for radio 其貌不扬

    A confront for radio 其貌不扬

    Episode 150825 / 25 Aug 2015

    Practise you have an attractive voice but ugly confront? Here is a humorous way of saying it

  • Give me credit 称赞表扬我的功劳

    Requite me credit 称赞表扬我的功劳

    Episode 150818 / 18 Aug 2015

    Learn a phrase that's full of praise. You won't demand a credit bill of fare to employ this one

  • To keep the wolf from the door 勉强度日
  • Hot desk 无固定办公桌的现代办公室

    Hot desk 无固定办公桌的现代办公室

    Episode 150804 / 04 Aug 2015

    Hot-desking is a modern way of working in offices. Larn how to use this phrase as a noun and a verb

  • Out of juice 没电了

    Out of juice 没电了

    Episode 150728 / 28 Jul 2015

    Oh no - your phone's out of bombardment. We have merely the phrase you need!

  • The penny dropped 话终于听明白了

    The penny dropped 话终于听明白了

    Episode 150721 / 21 Jul 2015

    Accept you lot finally understood something? We have the perfect expression for you!

  • Red tape 繁文缛节,官僚作风

    Reddish record 繁文缛节,官僚作风

    Episode 150714 / 14 Jul 2015

    Fed upwards with rules and regulations? You must larn this expression

  • Words for underwear 表示内衣裤的词语
  • To drink someone under the table 酒量胜人一筹

    To drinkable someone under the table 酒量胜人一筹

    Episode 150630 / 30 Jun 2015

    Drink to celebrate the good things in life, beverage to forget the bad. Here'south an expression for people who similar an alcoholic beverage

  • Me time 私人专属时间

    Me fourth dimension 私人专属时间

    Episode 150623 / 23 Jun 2015

    Both piece of work and home demand lots of your time just what yous actually desire is a few hours just to yourself. Here's an expression for that moment

  • Out for the count (拳击)输了,熟睡
  • Game changer 改变游戏规则的人或物

    Game changer 改变游戏规则的人或物

    Episode 150210 / 10 Feb 2015

    Feifei and Harry use an expression for people and ideas that change the style we exercise things

  • Wow factor 让人发出惊叹叫好的东西

    Wow factor 让人发出惊叹叫好的东西

    Episode 150203 / 03 February 2015

    Harry and Feifei look at an expression for when things surprise and impress you lot

  • Full-on 形容精神强烈紧张的短语

    Full-on 形容精神强烈紧张的短语

    Episode 150127 / 27 Jan 2015

    Neil and Feifei talk nigh a common colloquial expression for when things are intense

