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Teacher Thank You Its Not Always Easy Printable

Here is a list of the 100 best teacher appreciation thank you notes ever written.

#1 Thank you for being the best teacher in the world. You inspired in me a love for learning and made me feel like I could ask you anything. You always had the patience for my questions and knew just how to explain the answers. My fond memories of the time in your classroom will last a lifetime.


#2 Thank you for inspiring me to be my best, and for being there to guide me when I needed help. Having you in my life opened my eyes to my own inner strength and has motivated me to become and do more. You have been an incredible teacher of lessons both inside and outside of the classroom. I could never thank you enough.

#3 Thank you for being a truly outstanding teacher. Your passion for teaching and your dedication to your students is obvious in everything you do. I feel so lucky to have been put into your class. I hope you know the priceless impact you are making in so many lives.

#4 I feel so truly lucky to have a teacher who shows all of the care, understanding, and patience that you do. Thank you for everything.


#5 You seem to have a way of seeing right through me and knowing when something is wrong. I always knew that you really cared for me and that I could go to you with my problems. You always had time for me. I am fortunate to have had you in my life. You are an exceptional teacher and an exceptional person. Thank you.

#6 You did more than prepare me academically, you prepared me for life. Thank you for all of the lessons you've taught me. I will remember them and you forever. Thank you, teacher.

#7 I feel so lucky to have had a teacher like you. Thank you for helping me to express my creative side and come out of my shell. You have given me a confidence that is priceless!


#8 You expected me to succeed, and this motivated me to keep trying until I did. You set the bar high, and I learned more than I thought I could. You taught me that I am smarter than I thought and that failure is okay as long as I pick myself up and try again. Thank you for believing in me.

#9 Your class was my favorite all semester, and I'm so grateful for your fun and engaging approach. It made the lessons interesting and made me want to learn. Thank you for being the best teacher I could ask for.

#10 Thank you for celebrating my accomplishments this past year and making me feel like a superstar. I always felt so happy when you were proud of me. You will always have a special place in my heart. Thank you for being my teacher.


#11 I have been one of the luckiest students on the face of this earth to have had you as my phenomenal teacher! I thank you with all my heart. I want to wish you nothing but the absolute best going forward, and I will never forget you!

#12 Under your guidance, I've not only become a better student, but also a better child, sibling and a friend. Thank you for helping me grow.

#13 It takes patience, endurance and talent to be a teacher, but you make it look so easy day after day. I hope you know just how much we all appreciate you.


#14 I have seldom had the opportunity to have such an incredible role model as you in my life. You have reliably been my source of knowledge, inspiration and stability. I cannot thank you enough for all the magnificent things you have taught me! You have been such a gift in my life.

#15 You have taught me a vast number of invaluable things. Through obstacles and difficult days, you have kept a cool head and a warm heart. Meeting a person like you is rare, let alone having the privilege of them being your teacher! Thank you, truly and sincerely.

#16 We're all so lucky to have a teacher like you who makes learning so much fun. Thanks for all of the extraordinary things you do!


#17 Thank you ever so much for being there and guiding me even through the most difficult of situations. You truly are the most spectacular teacher of all time. I am forever in your gratitude and will always remember you.

#18 Your passion for what you do has helped me find my own passion. Thank you for being such an inspiration to me.

#19 You always go above and beyond for us, and we're so thankful. Thank you for being such a phenomenal teacher and making this semester so much fun!

#20 My incredible and one-of-a-kind teacher, thank you ever so much for all of the knowledge and guidance that you have so generously shared with me. I will forever be grateful for all of the roles that you have played in my life. Thank you so much!

#21 I'm so thankful you were my teacher. You fostered in me a love for learning and opened a world of opportunity for me. Thank you for setting me on my path to success!

#22 You truly are one incredible teacher! Many thanks for all the joy-filled days and the invaluable lessons that you have shared with me! Please never change!

#23 A teacher like you is truly a gift. Thank you for helping me to believe in myself and come out of my shell this year.

#24 My knowledge and my intellect are much more developed and complete thanks to you, teacher. My heart expresses gratitude for you, today and for forever. Many thanks!

#25 Thank you for being such a fantastic teacher! You've really inspired me and I'm so grateful that I was your student!

#26 If I ever have the honor of teaching, I will aim to do it as flawlessly as you have! Thank you for being the greatest teacher I have ever had the pleasure of meeting! You are simply the best.

#27 It takes a lot to guide so many students, but I can speak on behalf of us all in saying that your impact on our lives is immense. Thank you for being such an incredible teacher, supporter and friend.

#28 My appreciation for having you as my teacher is beyond words! You always have been someone I have looked up to and followed the example of. Stay awesome!

#29 Thank you for being the absolute best teacher I could ever ask for. Your guidance and advice helped to make me a stronger student!

#30 To an extraordinary leader, a magnificent mentor and an unparalleled teacher. My gratefulness goes out to you today, and forever after. Thank you for all that you do.

#31 I'm so thankful that I had the privilege of being your student. You were simply the best teacher I've ever had!

#32 In so many ways, you've gone above and beyond for your students. From buying us extra supplies to tutoring us after class, you really care about giving us the best. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

#33 Thank you for being the kind of teacher who inspires us to be our very best. Your class was our favorite this semester!

#34 Thank you for teaching me to express myself and work outside of my comfort zone. I was lucky to be in your class!

#35 When I grow up, I hope I love my job as much as you love yours. Thank you for being my biggest role model.

#36 Thank you for being my absolute favorite teacher! Your energy, humor and compassion are what made all the difference for me.

#37 Thank you for being such an extraordinary teacher. Your patience and extra effort really helped our child to succeed.

#38 I couldn't possibly list all the things you have taught me, but the most important is you've taught me to be a good person, and I will carry that with me for life. Thank you for being my inspiration.

#39 As teachers go, you're simply the best! Thank you for knowing how to motivate and encourage our child. We appreciate you so much!

#40  You're genuinely a phenomenal teacher. Thank you for really going the extra mile to help me stay on track!

#41 You are my favorite teacher for a reason. You always know how to put a smile on my face. Thank you so much!

#42 A good teacher is patient, kind, and thoughtful. You have been all of these and more to me. Thank you!

#43 Thank you for believing in me when no one else did. I am a much better person because of you. Thank you, teacher.

#44 I know you want to see me succeed, and that's why you tell me to keep trying even when I want to give up. Thank you, teacher, for believing in me.

#45 Every question I have, even the silly ones, you have an answer to. Thank you for being such a patient teacher.

#46 Thank you for always encouraging me to be my very best. This semester has been my favorite in a long time, and I'm so lucky to have you for a teacher!

#47 Thank you for being a teacher and a mentor, and for always expecting me to be my best self!

#48 When I come to school and see you, I just know it's going to be a good day. Thank you for being a supportive and devoted teacher.

#49 Thank you for taking the time to make sure that things always clicked. It was a blast having you for a teacher!

#50 With your help, I am so proud of all I have achieved. Thank you for being such an extraordinary teacher.

#51 I don't think I could've gotten through this year without you. When I needed it the most, you were there to help. Thank you for all of your guidance and support.

#52 Thank you for taking the time to help me recently. You don't know it, but it made a huge impact on my studies. I am so thrilled to have a teacher like you!

#53 You've not only been my teacher this year, but also a mentor, a confidant and a friend. Thank you for being there with me when I needed it most.

#54 You've always had high expectations for me, but I know it's because you understood my potential, even when I didn't. Thank you for having faith in me.

#55 Every topic you teach, you manage to make it interesting and engaging. I never thought I could have this much fun learning! Thank you for all the hard work you do!

#56 You work so hard, and I want to make sure your work doesn't go unnoticed. You're a phenomenal teacher, and I'm so lucky to have the opportunity to learn from someone as talented as you.

#57 You're not just a teacher for school, but a teacher for life. I have learned so many things from you that will guide me always. Thank you.

#58 I feel like I'm so confident now, and I realized it's because you have confidence in me. Thank you for helping me realize my potential!

#59 A teacher like you is a gift to any student. You've been a guide when I felt lost and a friend when I needed one. Thank you so much.

#60 I know you've been busy recently, but you've handled it with such grace. Thank you, teacher, for showing me what dedication looks like.

#61 It means so much that you would always take the extra time to help our child this semester. Thank you for making such a huge impact!

#62 Thank you, teacher, for taking extra time out to help me recently. I genuinely appreciate it!

#63 I remember when I was so shy, but you helped me come out of my shell. Thank you for having faith in me.

#64 When I look back on my education, I know I will remember you as my favorite teacher. You've inspired me in more ways than you know.

#65 Even when you were busy or stressed, you never gave up on me, and I'm so grateful for that. Thank you for being such a remarkable mentor!

#66 You've been such a pivotal figure in my life. You've not only educated me, but you set me up for a life of success. Thank you so much!

#67 You bring such positive energy into the classroom. Thank you for being a highlight of my day!

#68 No question is ever too big for you, and that's what makes you such an outstanding teacher.

#69 I know the work you do is hard, but you do it so effortlessly. You were born to be a teacher, and I got lucky enough to be taught by you!

#70 You have shown me that I can do anything I put my mind to. Thank you for having faith in me.

#71 You are a shining light in my life – someone who has guided me when I was in darkness. Thank you for being a confidant, mentor and friend.

#72 A good teacher doesn't just shape your academic life, but they shape the person you will become too. Thank you for helping me be a better person.

#73 A card isn't enough to show the full extent of my gratitude to you, but just know you will remain in my heart forever. Thank you for teaching me so much.

#74 Every time I reach one of my goals, I will think of you and all you taught me with a heart full of gratitude. Thank you so much!

#75 Few teachers leave an impact as much as you have on me – you have helped shape me into the person I am today. I am so thrilled to have been taught by you!

#76 You are an example to other teachers with your undying patience, kindness, and hope for every single one of us. Thank you for all you do!

#77 Thank you for doing so much for your class, from buying your own supplies to taking extra time to help us when we were stuck. We appreciate you!

#78 Never have I met a teacher who cares so deeply about their students, and I am so grateful to be one of your students.

#79 The best things you have taught me were not in the curriculum, but in the example you have set. Your confidence, determination and excellence are all qualities that I someday hope to have.

#80 Not everybody loves school, but you have made coming to school such a pleasure. I am so thankful to be taught by someone as cool as you!

#81 You have inspired me now and you will continue to inspire me in the years to come. Thank you to a perfect teacher!

#82 A teacher as good as you are is deserving of more than just a card, you deserve a gold medal! Thank you for being such an inspiration.

#83 To my favorite teacher, you've not only helped me achieve good grades, but you've helped me achieve my dreams as well. Thank you so much for your guidance this year.

#84 I am so glad that I will have the memories we have created together in the classroom for the rest of my life. I wish we could repeat the year just so we could make more. Thank you for being the best teacher this year!

#85 Thank you to a fabulous teacher, a true role model, someone who continues to inspire me and who I know will always be there for me.

#86 My future is brighter and clearer because of all you've done for me. Thank you for being such a supportive teacher.

#87 As I am moving up in life, I wanted to take a moment to let you know that much of my success comes from how you supported me when I was your student. I am so lucky that you spent so much extra time to help me.

#88 You're one of the coolest teachers I've ever had! You're never too strict, you always class fun and you always make us laugh. Thank you!

#89 You pushed me to limits because you knew I would succeed. Thank you for your undying faith in me.

#90 You're a teacher who inspired me to think outside the box, outside of the classroom, and into the future. All my successes will be a credit to you.

#91 You made class such a fun place to be, but you also made sure we settled down when we had to focus on a lesson. I am so thrilled that I had a teacher like you!

#92 Your class was my favorite. Thank you for being so understanding and for taking the extra time to explain things in detail. I was so lucky to have you for a teacher!

#93 You will not only be in my heart but the hearts of all your students in the years to come. You've made such an impact on all our lives, and we thank you for that.

#94 With your dedication, care and thoughtfulness you have made such a large impact in our lives in such a short time. Thank you for an unforgettable year of class!

#95 You've given me the strength necessary to face the world. I am so grateful for everything you've taught me.

#96 The biggest lesson you ever taught me was simple: to believe in myself. I can now say that thanks to you, I do.

#97 Thank you for being such an exceptional teacher. You went out of your way to make sure I understood all of the lessons, and I'm thrilled you took the extra time for me!

#98 It's a gift to be taught by a teacher as understanding as you. You really know just how we feel, and we can't thank you enough for your patience.

#99 I don't know if I'll ever have another teacher like you, someone with endless patience and enthusiasm. Your lessons will always be remembered fondly to me.

#100 Thank you for always taking the time to go over the lessons in detail, and for making learning so much fun. I'm thrilled I had you as my teacher!

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Teacher Appreciation Messages

Author Biography
Keith Miller has over 25 years of experience as a CEO and serial entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur, he has founded several multi-million dollar companies. As a writer, Keith's work has been mentioned in CIO Magazine, Workable, BizTech, and The Charlotte Observer. If you have any questions about the content of this blog post, then please send our content editing team a message here.

