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Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Battle Royale Tips

Blackout is the first time that the Call of Duty series has waded into the battle royale genre. In our Call of Duty Blackout guide, we'll be taking you through a complete list of essential tips and tricks that all players should know going into Blackout, and much more.

  • Black Ops 4 Blackout Tips
  • Call of Duty Blackout Guide
  • How to Use Wingsuit in Call of Duty Blackout
  • Call of Duty Blackout Supply Drops

Black Ops 4 Blackout Tips

Thanks to an extensive beta and a little time with the full game, we've managed to pull together some essential Black Ops 4 Tips and Tricks. These are great for when you're just starting out in Blackout, and will see you through to the late game if you keep them in mind while playing.

  • When jumping out of the chopper at the start of the game, point the camera down to fall faster. You'll want to jump out when you're directly above your drop point, so that you can be the first to reach the ground.
  • For your first few games, we'd recommend dropping at the Firing Range. It's the busiest part of the map and is a great way to get to grips with how the shooting feels.
  • The gunplay is not the same as it is in Black Ops 4. You'll notice bullet drop more clearly, and at long-range, guns feel completely different.
  • There are special items that you pick up while looting, items which grant you special abilities for a limited time. Use these as often as you can, as they provide small advantages, and they won't help you when you're dead.
  • The Specialist equipment used in Black Ops 4 plays a role in Blackout too. You can pick up items like Ruin's Grapple Hook, or Torgue's barricade, and use them the same way as in the regular game.
  • Melee is pretty useless in its current form, so don't sneak in for a melee kill thinking you'll KO someone in one knife hit.
  • Level 3 armor is the only one that'll protect your head
  • Think before shooting at zombies, it'll attract enemies to your position and offers no real advantage unless you're being swarmed
  • Use shadows, and go prone when you can, It's incredibly easy to hide in Call of Duty Blackout.
  • Wait for the circle to draw out the last man standing before moving yourself, especially if you're in a building or elevated position.
  • Use Quick Equip to forgo the clumsy menu system
  • Triangle in menu to switch selected weapon.
  • Bushes are solid, so no hiding in them
  • You can change the shape of your minimap in the options menu
  • You can shoot while underwater
  • The Mystery Box is available in Blackout - look for a blue beam in the sky
  • It's a lot easier to take out enemies at long-range in Blackout, when compared to the likes of PUBG and Fortnite that is. Keep this in mind, and stick to buildings whenever you can, sneaking about in the open is not really an option.
  • Rocket Launchers are not as powerful as you'd think, save them for vehicles as a direct hit to another player won't even be enough to take them out.

Call of Duty Blackout Guide

As we spend more and more time playing Blackout, we'll be adding guides below. So far we've covered everything from the best perks and weapons you should be keeping an eye out for, to details on unlocking extra characters

  • Call of Duty Blackout Map Guide
  • Call of Duty Blackout Best Weapons
  • Call of Duty Blackout Best Perks
  • Call of Duty Blackout Character Missions - How to unlock Blackout Characters

How to Use Wingsuit in Call of Duty Blackout

Much like other games in the battle royale genre, Blackout begins with players jumping down from the sky. The difference here is that you use a wingsuit to cover ground towards your destination. Once you've hit the ground you'd think the wingsuit fun would be over right? Well, you can actually use your wingsuit multiple times, which can be extremely useful. To open your wingsuit in Black Ops 4, all you need to do is get up high, two stories should do it, then run and jump off of an edge while keeping jump held down.

Call of Duty Blackout Supply Drops

Much like in PUBG, Call of Duty Blackout features Supply Drops. They occur during each mach, and you'll know if one is being dropped by an announcement by the announcer. You will then hear a plane and can follow the sound to work out the general area where the crate will drop. Once it has dropped, smoke will start to spew from the Supply Crate, and you'll need to approach it to loot. Supply Drops are filled with the best weapons and armor in the game, including level 3 armor, the only one that will protect you from headshots.

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Jake Green

Guides Editor

Jake is a former freelance writer who now heads up guides for USG. He spends his days dreaming of an X-Files dating-sim and will play literally any game with monkeys in it. He has an unhealthy obsession with Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and would pretty much trade a kidney for Skate 4 at this point.

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Battle Royale Tips
