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Expression Engine 2 the Upload Path Does Not Appear to Be Valid.


At one time or some other when building our Node application nosotros have been faced with uploading a photo (usually from a form) to be used as a profile photograph for a user in our app. In addition, we usually accept to store the photo in the local filesystem (during evolution) or fifty-fifty in the cloud for easy admission. Since this is a very common task, there are lots of tools available which we can leverage to handle the individual parts of the process.

In this tutorial, we will come across how to upload a photo and manipulate it (resize, crop, greyscale, etc) earlier writing it to storage. Nosotros will limit ourselves to storing files in the local filesystem for simplicity.


Nosotros will exist using the following packages to build our application:

  • express: A very popular Node server.
  • lodash: A very popular JavaScript library with lots of utility functions for working with arrays, strings, objects and functional programming.
  • multer: A parcel for extracting files from multipart/form-data requests.
  • jimp: An image manipulation package.
  • dotenv: A package for calculation .env variables to process.env.
  • mkdirp: A packet for creating nested directory structure.
  • concat-stream: A package for creating a writable stream that concatenates all the data from a stream and calls a callback with the result.
  • streamifier: A parcel to convert a Buffer/String into a readable stream.

Project Goals

We desire to take over the uploaded file stream from Multer and so manipulate the stream buffer (paradigm) withal nosotros wish using Jimp, before writing the image to storage (local filesystem). This will crave us to create a custom storage engine to utilize with Multer — which we will be doing in this tutorial.

Here is the terminate result of what we will be building in this tutorial:

Stride 1 — Getting Started

We will brainstorm past creating a new Express app using the Express generator. If you don't have the Express generator already y'all volition demand to install it first by running the following command on your control line terminal:

  1. npm install express-generator -g

In one case you have the Express generator, you can at present run the following commands to create a new Express app and install the dependencies for Express. We will be using ejs as our view engine:

  1. limited --view=ejs photo-uploader-app
  2. cd photo-uploader-app
  3. npm install

Adjacent, we will install the remaining dependencies nosotros need for our projection:

  1. npm install --salve lodash multer jimp dotenv concat-stream streamifier mkdirp

Footstep 2 — Configuring the Basics

Earlier we keep, our app will need some form configuration. We will create a .env file on our project root directory and add some environment variables. The .env file should look like the following snippet.

                      AVATAR_FIELD            =            avatar            AVATAR_BASE_URL            =            /uploads/avatars            AVATAR_STORAGE            =            uploads/avatars                  

Next, we will load our environment variables into procedure.env using dotenv so that we can access them in our app. To practice this, nosotros volition add together the following line to the app.js file. Ensure you add this line at the point where you are loading the dependencies. It must come before all road imports and before creating the Express app instance.


                      var            dotenv            =            crave            (            'dotenv'            )            .            config            (            )            ;                  

Now nosotros can access our environment variables using procedure.env. For example: process.env.AVATAR_STORAGE should contain the value uploads/avatars. Nosotros will become ahead to edit our index route file routes/index.js to add some local variables we will exist needing in our view. We volition add two local variables:

  • title: The title of our index page: Upload Avatar
  • avatar_field: The name of the input field for our avatar photograph. We will be getting this from procedure.env.AVATAR_FIELD

Modify the GET / route equally follows:


          router.            get            (            '/'            ,            function            (            req,              res,              adjacent            )            {            res.            render            (            'alphabetize'            ,            {            championship            :            'Upload Avatar'            ,            avatar_field            :            process.env.            AVATAR_FIELD            }            )            ;            }            )            ;                  

Footstep 3 — Preparing the View

Allow's begin by creating the basic markup for our photograph upload course by modifying the views/index.ejs file. For the sake of simplicity we will add the styles direct on our view just to requite information technology a slightly prissy expect. Run across the following code for the markup of our page.


                                                    <html              class                              =                "no-js"                            >                                                      <caput              >                                                      <meta              charset                              =                "utf-viii"                            >                                                      <meta              http-equiv                              =                "X-UA-Uniform"                            content                              =                "IE=edge"                            >                                                      <meta              name                              =                "viewport"                            content                              =                "width=device-width, initial-calibration=1"                            >                                                      <title              >            <%= title %>                              </title              >                                                      <style              type                              =                "text/css"                            >                                                      *                {                font                :                600 16px system-ui,                sans-serif;                }                form                {                width                :                320px;                margin                :                50px auto;                text-align                :                eye;                }                grade > fable                {                font-size                :                36px;                color                :                #3c5b6d;                padding                :                150px 0 20px;                }                form > input[type=file], grade > input[type=file]:earlier                {                display                :                cake;                width                :                240px;                tiptop                :                50px;                margin                :                0 motorcar;                line-acme                :                50px;                text-align                :                eye;                cursor                :                pointer;                }                form > input[blazon=file]                {                position                :                relative;                }                class > input[type=file]:earlier                {                content                :                'Choose a Photograph'                ;                position                :                absolute;                peak                :                -2px;                left                :                -2px;                color                :                #3c5b6d;                font-size                :                18px;                background                :                #fff;                border-radius                :                3px;                border                :                2px solid #3c5b6d;                }                form > push button[type=submit]                {                border-radius                :                3px;                font-size                :                18px;                display                :                block;                edge                :                none;                color                :                #fff;                cursor                :                arrow;                background                :                #2a76cd;                width                :                240px;                margin                :                20px auto;                padding                :                15px 20px;                }                                                                    </style              >                                                      </caput              >                                                      <trunk              >                                                      <form              action                              =                "/upload"                            method                              =                "POST"                            enctype                              =                "multipart/form-data"                            >                                                      <legend              >            Upload Avatar                              </legend              >                                                      <input              blazon                              =                "file"                            name                              =                "<%= avatar_field %>"                            >                                                      <push button              type                              =                "submit"                            grade                              =                "btn btn-principal"                            >            Upload                              </push button              >                                                      </grade              >                                                      </body              >                                                      </html              >                              

Observe how we accept used our local variables on our view to ready the title and the proper name of the avatar input field. You lot will notice that we are using enctype="multipart/form-data" on our form since we will exist uploading a file. You will besides see that nosotros accept set the form to brand a Mail request to the /upload route (nosotros will implement later) on submission.

Now permit's outset the app for the first time using npm showtime.

  1. npm outset

If you accept been post-obit correctly everything should run without errors. Just visit localhost:3000 on your browser. The page should look like the following screenshot:

Upload Page

Stride four — Creating the Multer Storage Engine

So far, trying to upload a photo through our class will consequence in an error because we've not created the handler for the upload request. We are going to implement the /upload road to actually handle the upload and we will be using the Multer package for that. If y'all are not already familiar with the Multer package yous can bank check the Multer package on Github.

We will accept to create a custom storage engine to utilize with Multer. Let's create a new folder in our project root named helpers and create a new file AvatarStorage.js inside information technology for our custom storage engine. The file should contain the post-obit design code snippet:


                      // Load dependencies            var            _            =            crave            (            'lodash'            )            ;            var            fs            =            require            (            'fs'            )            ;            var            path            =            require            (            'path'            )            ;            var            Jimp            =            require            (            'jimp'            )            ;            var            crypto            =            crave            (            'crypto'            )            ;            var            mkdirp            =            require            (            'mkdirp'            )            ;            var            concat            =            require            (            'concat-stream'            )            ;            var            streamifier            =            require            (            'streamifier'            )            ;            // Configure UPLOAD_PATH            // process.env.AVATAR_STORAGE contains uploads/avatars            var            UPLOAD_PATH            =            path.            resolve            (__dirname,            '..'            ,            process.env.            AVATAR_STORAGE            )            ;            // create a multer storage engine            var            AvatarStorage            =            function            (            options            )            {            // this serves every bit a constructor            function            AvatarStorage            (            opts            )            {            }            // this generates a random cryptographic filename            AvatarStorage            .epitome.            _generateRandomFilename            =            part            (            )            {            }            // this creates a Writable stream for a filepath            AvatarStorage            .prototype.            _createOutputStream            =            function            (            filepath,              cb            )            {            }            // this processes the Jimp paradigm buffer            AvatarStorage            .prototype.            _processImage            =            part            (            image,              cb            )            {            }            // multer requires this for handling the uploaded file            AvatarStorage            .prototype.            _handleFile            =            function            (            req,              file,              cb            )            {            }            // multer requires this for destroying file            AvatarStorage            .epitome.            _removeFile            =            part            (            req,              file,              cb            )            {            }            // create a new instance with the passed options and return it            return            new            AvatarStorage            (options)            ;            }            ;            // export the storage engine            module.exports            =            AvatarStorage;                  

Allow's begin to add together the implementations for the listed functions in our storage engine. Nosotros will begin with the constructor office.

                      // this serves every bit a constructor            function            AvatarStorage            (            opts            )            {            var            baseUrl            =            process.env.            AVATAR_BASE_URL            ;            var            allowedStorageSystems            =            [            'local'            ]            ;            var            allowedOutputFormats            =            [            'jpg'            ,            'png'            ]            ;            // fallback for the options            var            defaultOptions            =            {            storage            :            'local'            ,            output            :            'png'            ,            greyscale            :            false            ,            quality            :            70            ,            square            :            truthful            ,            threshold            :            500            ,            responsive            :            false            ,            }            ;            // extend default options with passed options            var            options            =            (opts            &&            _.            isObject            (opts)            )            ?            _.            selection            (opts,            _.            keys            (defaultOptions)            )            :            {            }            ;            options            =            _.            extend            (defaultOptions,            options)            ;            // check the options for correct values and use fallback value where necessary            this            .options            =            _.            forIn            (options,            function            (            value,              primal,              object            )            {            switch            (cardinal)            {            case            'square'            :            case            'greyscale'            :            case            'responsive'            :            object[cardinal]            =            _.            isBoolean            (value)            ?            value            :            defaultOptions[key]            ;            break            ;            case            'storage'            :            value            =            String            (value)            .            toLowerCase            (            )            ;            object[key]            =            _.            includes            (allowedStorageSystems,            value)            ?            value            :            defaultOptions[central]            ;            suspension            ;            case            'output'            :            value            =            String            (value)            .            toLowerCase            (            )            ;            object[fundamental]            =            _.            includes            (allowedOutputFormats,            value)            ?            value            :            defaultOptions[key]            ;            break            ;            case            'quality'            :            value            =            _.            isFinite            (value)            ?            value            :            Number            (value)            ;            object[key]            =            (value            &&            value            >=            0            &&            value            <=            100            )            ?            value            :            defaultOptions[key]            ;            break            ;            case            'threshold'            :            value            =            _.            isFinite            (value)            ?            value            :            Number            (value)            ;            object[key]            =            (value            &&            value            >=            0            )            ?            value            :            defaultOptions[central]            ;            suspension            ;            }            }            )            ;            // set the upload path            this            .uploadPath            =            this            .options.responsive            ?            path.            bring together            (            UPLOAD_PATH            ,            'responsive'            )            :            UPLOAD_PATH            ;            // set up the upload base of operations url            this            .uploadBaseUrl            =            this            .options.responsive            ?            path.            bring together            (baseUrl,            'responsive'            )            :            baseUrl;            if            (            this              ==            'local'            )            {            // if upload path does not be, create the upload path structure            !fs.            existsSync            (            this            .uploadPath)            &&            mkdirp.            sync            (            this            .uploadPath)            ;            }            }                  

Here, we divers our constructor function to accept a couple of options. We besides added some default (fallback) values for these options in case they are non provided or they are invalid. You can tweak this to comprise more than options depending on what you lot want, but for this tutorial nosotros volition stick with the post-obit options for our storage engine.

  • storage: The storage filesystem. Simply allowed value is 'local' for local filesystem. Defaults to 'local'. You can implement other storage filesystems (like Amazon S3) if you wish.
  • output: The epitome output format. Can exist 'jpg' or 'png'. Defaults to 'png'.
  • greyscale: If set to true, the output image will be greyscale. Defaults to simulated.
  • quality: A number betwixt 0: 100 that determines the quality of the output image. Defaults to 70.
  • square: If prepare to true, the prototype volition be cropped to a square. Defaults to false.
  • threshold: A number that restricts the smallest dimension (in px) of the output image. The default value is 500. If the smallest dimension of the paradigm exceeds this number, the image is resized and then that the smallest dimension is equal to the threshold.
  • responsive: If ready to true, three output images of different sizes (lg, md and sm) will be created and stored in their respective folders. Defaults to false.

Let'due south implement the methods for creating the random filenames and the output stream for writing to the files:

                      // this generates a random cryptographic filename            AvatarStorage            .epitome.            _generateRandomFilename            =            role            (            )            {            // create pseudo random bytes            var            bytes            =            crypto.            pseudoRandomBytes            (            32            )            ;            // create the md5 hash of the random bytes            var            checksum            =            crypto.            createHash            (            'MD5'            )            .            update            (bytes)            .            assimilate            (            'hex'            )            ;            // return equally filename the hash with the output extension            return            checksum            +            '.'            +            this            .options.output;            }            ;            // this creates a Writable stream for a filepath            AvatarStorage            .epitome.            _createOutputStream            =            role            (            filepath,              cb            )            {            // create a reference for this to use in local functions            var            that            =            this            ;            // create a writable stream from the filepath            var            output            =            fs.            createWriteStream            (filepath)            ;            // set callback fn equally handler for the error outcome            output.            on            (            'error'            ,            cb)            ;            // set handler for the finish event            output.            on            (            'cease'            ,            role            (            )            {            cb            (            null            ,            {            destination            :            that.uploadPath,            baseUrl            :            that.uploadBaseUrl,            filename            :            path.            basename            (filepath)            ,            storage            :              }            )            ;            }            )            ;            // return the output stream            return            output;            }            ;                  

Hither, we apply crypto to create a random md5 hash to apply as filename and appended the output from the options every bit the file extension. We also defined our helper method to create writable stream from the given filepath and then render the stream. Detect that a callback function is required, since we are using it on the stream event handlers.

Adjacent we volition implement the _processImage() method that does the actual image processing. Here is the implementation:

                      // this processes the Jimp epitome buffer            AvatarStorage            .image.            _processImage            =            function            (            image,              cb            )            {            // create a reference for this to utilise in local functions            var            that            =            this            ;            var            batch            =            [            ]            ;            // the responsive sizes            var            sizes            =            [            'lg'            ,            'md'            ,            'sm'            ]            ;            var            filename            =            this            .            _generateRandomFilename            (            )            ;            var            mime            =            Jimp.            MIME_PNG            ;            // create a clone of the Jimp image            var            clone            =            image.            clone            (            )            ;            // fetch the Jimp image dimensions            var            width            =            clone.bitmap.width;            var            height            =            clone.bitmap.height;            var            square            =            Math.            min            (width,            height)            ;            var            threshold            =            this            .options.threshold;            // resolve the Jimp output mime type            switch            (            this            .options.output)            {            case            'jpg'            :            mime            =            Jimp.            MIME_JPEG            ;            break            ;            example            'png'            :            default            :            mime            =            Jimp.            MIME_PNG            ;            pause            ;            }            // auto scale the paradigm dimensions to fit the threshold requirement            if            (threshold            &&            square            >            threshold)            {            clone            =            (foursquare            ==            width)            ?            clone.            resize            (threshold,            Jimp.            AUTO            )            :            clone.            resize            (Jimp.            Automobile            ,            threshold)            ;            }            // crop the image to a square if enabled            if            (            this            .options.foursquare)            {            if            (threshold)            {            square            =            Math.            min            (square,            threshold)            ;            }            // fetch the new image dimensions and crop            clone            =            clone.            crop            (            (clone.bitmap.width:            square)            /            2            ,            (clone.bitmap.elevation:            square)            /            2            ,            square,            foursquare)            ;            }            // catechumen the image to greyscale if enabled            if            (            this            .options.greyscale)            {            clone            =            clone.            greyscale            (            )            ;            }            // set the epitome output quality            clone            =            clone.            quality            (            this            .options.quality)            ;            if            (            this            .options.responsive)            {            // map through the responsive sizes and push them to the batch            batch            =            _.            map            (sizes,            function            (            size            )            {            var            outputStream;            var            image            =            cipher            ;            var            filepath            =            filename.            split            (            '.'            )            ;            // create the consummate filepath and create a writable stream for it            filepath            =            filepath[            0            ]            +            '_'            +            size            +            '.'            +            filepath[            one            ]            ;            filepath            =            path.            join            (that.uploadPath,            filepath)            ;            outputStream            =            that.            _createOutputStream            (filepath,            cb)            ;            // scale the image based on the size            switch            (size)            {            case            'sm'            :            image            =            clone.            clone            (            )            .            calibration            (            0.3            )            ;            break            ;            example            'physician'            :            image            =            clone.            clone            (            )            .            scale            (              )            ;            interruption            ;            instance            'lg'            :            prototype            =            clone.            clone            (            )            ;            break            ;            }            // return an object of the stream and the Jimp image            return            {            stream            :            outputStream,            image            :            image            }            ;            }            )            ;            }            else            {            // button an object of the writable stream and Jimp image to the batch            batch.            push button            (            {            stream            :            that.            _createOutputStream            (path.            join            (that.uploadPath,            filename)            ,            cb)            ,            paradigm            :            clone            }            )            ;            }            // process the batch sequence            _.            each            (batch,            part            (            current            )            {            // get the buffer of the Jimp image using the output mime blazon            electric current.prototype.            getBuffer            (mime,            function            (            err,              buffer            )            {            if            (            ==            'local'            )            {            // create a read stream from the buffer and pipe it to the output stream            streamifier.            createReadStream            (buffer)            .            pipe            (electric            ;            }            }            )            ;            }            )            ;            }            ;                  

A lot is going on in this method but here is a summary of what it is doing:

  • Generates a random filename, resolves the Jimp output paradigm mime type and gets the paradigm dimensions.
  • Resize the paradigm if required, based on the threshold requirements to ensure that the smallest dimension does not exceed the threshold.
  • Crop the prototype to a square if enabled in the options.
  • Convert the image to greyscale if enabled in the options.
  • Set the epitome output quality from the options.
  • If responsive is enabled, the paradigm is cloned and scaled for each of the responsive sizes (lg, medico and sm) and and so an output stream is created using the _createOutputStream() method for each image file of the respective sizes. The filename for each size takes the format [random_filename_hash]_[size].[output_extension]. Then the image clone and the stream are put in a batch for processing.
  • If responsive is disabled, then only the current prototype and an output stream for information technology is put in a batch for processing.
  • Finally, each item in the batch is processed by converting the Jimp image buffer into a readable stream using streamifier and then piping the readable stream to the output stream.

Now we volition implement the remaining methods and we will exist done with our storage engine.

                      // multer requires this for handling the uploaded file            AvatarStorage            .prototype.            _handleFile            =            role            (            req,              file,              cb            )            {            // create a reference for this to utilize in local functions            var            that            =            this            ;            // create a writable stream using concat-stream that will            // concatenate all the buffers written to it and laissez passer the            // complete buffer to a callback fn            var            fileManipulate            =            concat            (            office            (            imageData            )            {            // read the image buffer with Jimp            // it returns a promise            Jimp.            read            (imageData)            .            then            (            function            (            image            )            {            // process the Jimp paradigm buffer            that.            _processImage            (image,            cb)            ;            }            )            .            take hold of            (cb)            ;            }            )            ;            // write the uploaded file buffer to the fileManipulate stream              pipe            (fileManipulate)            ;            }            ;            // multer requires this for destroying file            AvatarStorage            .prototype.            _removeFile            =            function            (            req,              file,              cb            )            {            var            matches,            pathsplit;            var            filename            =            file.filename;            var            _path            =            path.            join            (            this            .uploadPath,            filename)            ;            var            paths            =            [            ]            ;            // delete the file properties            delete            file.filename;            delete            file.destination;            delete            file.baseUrl;            delete  ;            // create paths for responsive images            if            (            this            .options.responsive)            {            pathsplit            =            _path.            split            (            '/'            )            ;            matches            =            pathsplit.            pop            (            )            .            match            (                          /              ^(.+?)_.+?\.(.+)$              /              i                        )            ;            if            (matches)            {            paths            =            _.            map            (            [            'lg'            ,            'md'            ,            'sm'            ]            ,            function            (            size            )            {            return            pathsplit.            join            (            '/'            )            +            '/'            +            (matches[            ane            ]            +            '_'            +            size            +            '.'            +            matches[            2            ]            )            ;            }            )            ;            }            }            else            {            paths            =            [_path]            ;            }            // delete the files from the filesystem            _.            each            (paths,            function            (            _path            )            {            fs.            unlink            (_path,            cb)            ;            }            )            ;            }            ;                  

Our storage engine is now set up for use with Multer.

Pace five — Implementing the POST /upload Road

Before we define the route, nosotros volition need to setup Multer for use in our road. Permit's go ahead to edit the routes/index.js file to add together the post-obit:


                      var            express            =            crave            (            'express'            )            ;            var            router            =            express.            Router            (            )            ;            /**  * CODE ADDITION  *   * The following code is added to import boosted dependencies  * and setup Multer for use with the /upload route.  */            // import multer and the AvatarStorage engine            var            _            =            require            (            'lodash'            )            ;            var            path            =            require            (            'path'            )            ;            var            multer            =            require            (            'multer'            )            ;            var            AvatarStorage            =            crave            (            '../helpers/AvatarStorage'            )            ;            // setup a new case of the AvatarStorage engine                        var            storage            =            AvatarStorage            (            {            square            :            true            ,            responsive            :            true            ,            greyscale            :            true            ,            quality            :            ninety            }            )            ;            var            limits            =            {            files            :            1            ,            // allow simply 1 file per asking            fileSize            :            1024            *            1024            ,            // 1 MB (max file size)            }            ;            var            fileFilter            =            function            (            req,              file,              cb            )            {            // supported image file mimetypes            var            allowedMimes            =            [            'paradigm/jpeg'            ,            'image/pjpeg'            ,            'image/png'            ,            'image/gif'            ]            ;            if            (_.            includes            (allowedMimes,            file.mimetype)            )            {            // allow supported image files            cb            (            null            ,            truthful            )            ;            }            else            {            // throw mistake for invalid files            cb            (            new            Error            (            'Invalid file type. But jpg, png and gif prototype files are immune.'            )            )            ;            }            }            ;            // setup multer            var            upload            =            multer            (            {            storage            :            storage,            limits            :            limits,            fileFilter            :            fileFilter            }            )            ;            /* Code Improver ENDS HERE */                  

Hither, we are enabling square cropping, responsive images and setting the threshold for our storage engine. We also add limits to our Multer configuration to ensure that the maximum file size is 1 MB and to ensure that non-image files are not uploaded.

Now permit's add the POST /upload route every bit follows:

                      /* routes/index.js */            /**  * Lawmaking Add-on  *   * The following code is added to configure the POST /upload route  * to upload files using the already defined Multer configuration  */            router.            postal service            (            '/upload'            ,            upload.            single            (process.env.            AVATAR_FIELD            )            ,            function            (            req,              res,              next            )            {            var            files;            var            file            =            req.file.filename;            var            matches            =            file.            match            (                          /              ^(.+?)_.+?\.(.+)$              /              i                        )            ;            if            (matches)            {            files            =            _.            map            (            [            'lg'            ,            'doctor'            ,            'sm'            ]            ,            role            (            size            )            {            render            matches[            1            ]            +            '_'            +            size            +            '.'            +            matches[            two            ]            ;            }            )            ;            }            else            {            files            =            [file]            ;            }            files            =            _.            map            (files,            part            (            file            )            {            var            port            =              become            (            'port'            )            ;            var            base of operations            =            req.protocol            +            '://'            +            req.hostname            +            (port            ?            ':'            +            port            :            ''            )            ;            var            url            =            path.            bring together            (req.file.baseUrl,            file)            .            replace            (                          /              [\\\/]+              /              1000                        ,            '/'            )            .            replace            (                          /              ^[\/]+              /              g                        ,            ''            )            ;            return            (            ==            'local'            ?            base            :            ''            )            +            '/'            +            url;            }            )            ;            res.            json            (            {            images            :            files            }            )            ;            }            )            ;            /* Lawmaking Improver ENDS Here */                  

Notice how we passed the Multer upload middleware before our route handler. The single() method allows us to upload only one file that will be stored in req.file. It takes every bit get-go parameter, the proper name of the file input field which we access from procedure.env.AVATAR_FIELD.

Now let's first the app over again using npm outset.

  1. npm commencement

visit localhost:3000 on your browser and try to upload a photo. Here is a sample screenshot I got from testing the upload road on Postman using our current configuration options:


You can tweak the configuration options of the storage engine in our Multer setup to get different results.


In this tutorial, we have been able to create a custom storage engine for utilise with Multer which manipulates uploaded images using Jimp and then writes them to storage. For a complete code sample of this tutorial, checkout the advanced-multer-node-sourcecode repository on Github.
