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When Will Daenerys See Drogo Again

"Khal vos zigereo adoroon anevasoe maan. Me zigeree sajosoon disse.
(A Khal does not need a chair to sit upon. He only needs a equus caballus.)
―Drogo to Daenerys [src]

Khal Drogo was a chieftain of a Dothraki khalasar. He was ofttimes referred to as "The Great Khal." He is also the namesake of the terminal living dragon in beingness, Drogon, who was the personal mount of his late widow.


  • one Biography
    • one.1 Groundwork
    • 1.ii Season 1
    • 1.3 Season ii
    • i.4 Flavour 5
    • 1.5 Season 6
    • 1.six Flavour 7
    • 1.7 Season viii
  • ii Personality
  • 3 Relationships
  • four Appearances
  • 5 Gallery
  • half-dozen Quotes
  • vii Behind the scenes
    • vii.1 Casting
  • 8 In the books
  • nine See too
  • 10 References



Drogo is a khal or warlord of the Dothraki, the famed nomadic horse-lords of the eastern continent beyond the Narrow Sea. The Dothraki are fierce warriors, skilled in boxing, unrelenting in combat and known for savagery towards non-Dothraki. Amongst their own people they accept a code of honour, albeit nonetheless a harsh and unforgiving one. Drogo was very young to have his ain khalasar, especially such a large one. He is a legendary warrior and has never been defeated in boxing.[one] Drogo desired the most beautiful and exotic woman in the globe as his khaleesi or wife, and enlisted Magister Illyrio Mopatis of Pentos to aid him find such a adult female.[2]

He is guarded by bloodriders including Qotho.[2] Generals or ko in his khalasar include Pono and Jhaqo, men who guard him, follow him in battle and, when Drogo dies, it is their duty and honor to follow him fifty-fifty then to keep serving him.[three]

Season 1

Drogo inspects his bride.

Illyrio and Prince Viserys Targaryen conform the marriage of Viserys's sister Daenerys to Khal Drogo in return for Drogo supplying Dothraki troops to support Viserys's play for the Fe Throne of Westeros. Drogo agrees, after inspecting Daenerys in the Free Urban center of Pentos, but does not stipulate a fourth dimension frame. Viserys notes the length of Drogo'south braid: Dothraki take to cut off their hair when they are defeated, but Drogo's long hair suggests that he has never been defeated in boxing. Viserys states that Drogo is a "savage" just also "1 of the finest killers alive."[ii]

Drogo marries Daenerys in a Dothraki ceremony.

Drogo marries Daenerys outside Pentos, simply is unable to communicate with his new wife due to neither of them sharing a common language. Drogo only appears to empathise the give-and-take "No," which he repeats oftentimes. Ser Jorah Mormont, a Westerosi knight who has Drogo's favor, aids with translation. Equally a wedding gift, Illyrio gives Daenerys iii dragon eggs that have turned to rock due to the passage of time. Drogo gives Daenerys a cute white horse. Daenerys wishes to thank Drogo for his gift, only Jorah tells her that there is no give-and-take for "thank yous" in her new hubby'due south language, a reminder of how unpleasant the Dothraki can be.[2]

Daenerys tells Drogo that she expects a son.

Drogo is determined to consummate their spousal relationship immediately, which Daenerys finds uncomfortable and frightening.[2] Attempting to make her time with Drogo more endurable, Daenerys begins learning the Dothraki linguistic communication from her handmaid Irri and seeks advice from some other handmaid, Doreah, on how to best please him in bed while establishing her own power over him using her sexuality, which culminates in a closer relationship. Combining these skills, Drogo comes to respect her as an equal.[4] After two months, Daenerys and Drogo are happier together. Drogo expresses satisfaction and joy at the news that Daenerys is with child, and that she thinks it will be a boy.[5]

In Male monarch'south Landing, King Robert Baratheon'southward spymaster, Varys, is working with Illyrio in planning the Dothraki invasion of the Seven Kingdoms. Yet, Drogo is content to wait until his son is built-in before planning the set on. Varys thinks that the situation in Westeros will unravel much more than chop-chop than they anticipated and urges Illyrio to get Drogo to speed upward his timetable.[6]

Drogo celebrates his kid.

In Vaes Dothrak, the sacred city of the Dothraki, Drogo is pleased when he learns that the dosh khaleen prophecy that says his son will exist the 'Stallion Who Mounts the Globe', a prophesied khal of khals who volition command the largest khalasar ever seen and lead the Dothraki to rule over all the lands of the globe. He also approves of Daenerys naming him Rhaego after her slain brother, Rhaegar, a neat warrior defeated in battle past "the usurper" Robert Baratheon.

Drogo mocks Viserys.

However, the afterward stages of the celebrations are interrupted by a drunken and aggressive Viserys. Drogo states that he is "no rex", to which Viserys petulantly demands that Drogo took Daenerys but never provided the army he promised. Unconvinced that he tin can exist harmed in the Sacred City, Viserys draws his sword and threatens that unless he is given his army immediately, he will take back his sister, only leave the child, saying he will cutting it out and leave it for Drogo.

Drogo kills Viserys.

Furious, simply conscientious to command his emotions for the sake of Daenerys and their child, Drogo agrees to requite Viserys "a aureate crown that men shall tremble to behold." Not understanding the language, Viserys believes he is finally getting what he wants, and lowers his baby-sit, allowing two of Drogo's bloodriders to disarm and restrain him. Drogo melts a belt of golden medallions in a pot, then "crowns" Viserys with the molten gold, killing him.[7]

Drogo swears to cantankerous the Narrow Sea and accept the Atomic number 26 Throne.

Daenerys asks Drogo to keep with the invasion, merely with his obligation to Viserys gone, Drogo is reluctant to try to cross the Narrow Ocean because of his people's fright of the "poison water" (the sea, which the Dothraki fear, because they distrust any liquid that a equus caballus will not drink) and "wooden horses" (ships). Ser Jorah later saves Daenerys from an assassinator sent by King Robert. Learning of the endeavor, Drogo rewards Jorah with any horse he desires from Drogo's ain herd. Drogo furiously swears a claret oath that he will punish Westeros for their endeavor on the life of his married woman and kid, atomic number 82 the Dothraki across the poison h2o to invade the Vii Kingdoms and seat his son on the "Iron Chair" of Westeros.[8]

Drogo leads an assault in Lhazar.

Drogo leads his men to raid and plunder a village of the Lhazareen, peaceful sheep-herders. He plans to take slaves to trade for a fleet to invade Westeros. Daenerys protests when the Dothraki brainstorm raping the women of the village, and has her retinue stop the practice. Mago becomes infuriated at Daenerys'southward presumption to give him orders and complains to Drogo.

Drogo kills Mago for his defiance.

Drogo agrees that this is custom amidst the Dothraki, but out of admiration for Daenerys' spirit, agrees to let her go on the female slaves for herself. Mago accuses Drogo of being at the whim of the "strange whore", belongings his arakh to Drogo'southward chest. Enraged, Drogo presses the blade into his own flesh to testify his contempt for Mago's claiming, causing a modest flesh wound, earlier he fights Mago in single combat, dropping his arakh and his daggers to the basis to testify his disdain for Mago's skills. He kills Mago with the opposite edge of his own weapon, and tears his tongue out through his throat.

Drogo'due south injuries accept result.

At Daenerys'due south pleading, he allows one of her new slaves, Mirri Maz Duur, a godswife and maegi to treat his injury – ignoring warnings from his bloodrider Qotho.[9] The wound festers, poisoning the khal, and Drogo eventually falls from his equus caballus, unable to ride, a slap-up shame within the Dothraki culture, for "a Khal that cannot ride cannot lead." Duur tells Daenerys that he will die before long.

Daenerys commands her to utilize magic to salvage Drogo, and Duur agrees, merely the Dothraki become agitated at this brandish of "witchcraft." The khalasar separates. Qotho intervenes to foreclose the ritual and is killed past Jorah. Daenerys goes into labor after being shoved to the basis by Qotho.[10] Drogo's own horse is used past the godswife equally a blood sacrifice in the ritual. Monstrous sounds are emitted from the khal'south tent while Maz Duur chants.

Daenerys and a vegetative Drogo.

Daenerys'southward kid is stillborn and deformed, with leathery scaled skin like a dragon's, wings, and a stomach filled with grave-worms. Drogo survives but is left in a vegetative state. Duur admits she did this deliberately in revenge for the sacking of her hamlet. The ritual that saved Drogo drew its power from non simply the death of Drogo's favored stallion but the death of Daenerys' son, causing the stillbirth and monstrous appearance.

Daenerys ends Drogo's misery.

Weeping, Daenerys smothers Drogo with a pillow to end his misery. She has her dragon eggs placed beside Drogo on his funeral pyre, then orders Jorah to bind Duur to it every bit well, and she is burned alive. When the pyre is completely afire, Daenerys walks into the flames to the shock of Jorah and the remaining Dothraki. The next morning, Daenerys is establish sitting naked and unharmed among Drogo's ashes, cradling three newborn dragons -- the conflagration, along with the sacrifice of Duur's life, triggered the hatching of the eggs, releasing the beginning dragons into the world in over a century.[11]

Flavor 2

Daenerys sees Drogo in an illusion.

Daenerys sees Drogo in her visions when she visits the House of the Undying. He sits in the tent they in one case shared, holding a small child in his arms, their son Rhaego. They share an emotional reunion merely she chooses to leave, knowing that they are expressionless and only an illusion.[12]

Season 5

The news of Drogo's death has spread throughout Essos. While attempting to sell Jorah Mormont to slavers, Malko incorrectly claims that Jorah killed Drogo in single combat (virtually probable on purpose to increase the bidding).[thirteen]

Season six

Subsequently Daenerys is captured by Khal Moro and his khalasar, he implies that he intends to rape her. Realizing that they don't know who she is, Daenerys tells him that she is the married woman of Drogo, the son of Bharbo. Upon hearing this, Moro renounced his intentions, as information technology is forbidden in the Dothraki civilization to bed the wife or widow of a khal.[14]

Season seven

Drogo is mentioned by Daenerys and Tyrion Lannister when they are discussing Jon Snow. She complains about how heroic men "do stupid things [and] dice", citing Drogo's deportment an case, aslope Daario Naharis, Jorah Mormont and Jon himself. Tyrion points out that all these men brutal in love with her, suggesting Jon is likewise developing feelings for Daenerys.[15]

Later on, when Daenerys is speaking with Jon about how she cannot have children, he asks her who exactly told her she couldn't. Daenerys replies, "The witch who murdered my husband."[16]

Season 8

Daenerys tells Sansa "I love your brother... and I trust him... and I know he'south true to his word. He's only the second homo in my life I tin can say that about." Sansa asks who was the start, and Daenerys answers "Someone taller" - presumably referring to Drogo.[17]


In boxing, Drogo is known for his savagery, brutality, and lack of relent or remorse to his opponents. The fearsome khal had never been defeated in combat and because of this his braid reached down below his waist. Indeed, Drogo was ruthless in battle and highly skilled, able to kill an armed man in seconds apartment with just his bare easily. Initially, he had no problems with rape, slavery or murder, simply every action he makes is because of his devotion to the Dothraki and reclaiming what is theirs. He was utterly fearless to the bespeak of recklessness - when Mago holds an arakh to his breast, he does not react, only moving closer to his opponent, deepening the wound, to show his courage and disdain for his opponent, before openly disarming himself and outmatching the mutinous Dothraki effectively unarmed, though the wound eventually caused his excruciating decease.

Despite his extremely violent, at times barbarous nature within battle, Drogo reveals a completely different compassionate and gentle side which simply surfaces around his wife, Daenerys Targaryen. Though he seemed initially unmoved with his betrothal to Daenerys and the rough consummation on the eve of their nuptials, he grew to respect her due to her spirit, decision, and role every bit khaleesi. As Daenerys learned more than of Dothraki civilization and language, and Drogo learned more about her, theirs grew into a marriage of equals, and they settled happily some two months in. His caring side was visible when he rushed to see if Daenerys was unharmed later an unsuccessful bump-off endeavor, rather than immediately executing the wine seller who attempted to poisonous substance her and her unborn child.

His soft side for Daenerys tin besides clash with his own savage nature, as noted when he ripped the natural language out of Mago'south pharynx for calling Daenerys a "foreign whore" (although he could have likewise killed him just for challenging Drogo in the outset place), and once more when he killed Viserys Targaryen only afterward the drunken prince threatened to cut Daenerys open up and remove her child. He went against years of Dothraki belief and superstition by vowing to accept the Iron Throne for his wife and unborn son by traveling beyond the Narrow Sea, even though the Dothraki have feared salt water for years.

Drogo knew to capeesh loyalty and backbone, and had a sense of honor: when Jorah Mormont saved Daenerys from an assassination attempt, Drogo rewarded him with any choice of horse from the khal'due south herd. Even so, he made no secret of people he held contempt for: he wasted no words for the human who tried to murder his helpmate, simply giving the human a few furious glares before forgetting him altogether. In improver, he mocked Viserys equally being no king, and later on when Viserys held Daenerys at the bespeak of a sword, Drogo coldly remarked 'A crown for a male monarch' before killing the man who threatened Daenerys and defiled Drogo's ain culture.


See Drogo and Daenerys Targaryen.


Game of Thrones: Season i appearances
Winter Is Coming The Kingsroad Lord Snowfall Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things The Wolf and the Lion
A Golden Crown You Win or You Die The Pointy Finish Baelor Fire and Claret
Game of Thrones: Flavour 2 appearances
The North Remembers The Nighttime Lands What Is Dead May Never Die Garden of Bones The Ghost of Harrenhal
The Erstwhile Gods and the New A Homo Without Accolade The Prince of Winterfell Blackwater Valar Morghulis *

* Vision of Daenerys



Spoken by Drogo

Drogo: "No."
Daenerys Targaryen: "Do you know the Mutual Tongue?"
Drogo: "No."
Daenerys Targaryen: "Is 'no' the only word that you know?"
Drogo: "No."
— Drogo and Daenerys Targaryen on their wedding nighttime.[src]
"A crown for a king!"
―Drogo kills Viserys. [src]
"Ma rizhaan anni, vezh fin asaja rhaesheseres, maan anha valloshak azh akka. Maan anha vazhak jin ador shiqethi finaan neva ave maisi mae. Anha vazhak maan Rhaeshis Andahli. Anha, zhey Drogo, atak jin. Anha vidrik khalasares anni jim, finaan nakhoe rhaesheser, majin adothrak hrazef ido yomme Havazzhifi Kazga ven et vo khal avvos. Anha vaddrivak mahrazhis fini ondee khogar shiqethi ma vohharak okrenegwin mori. Anha aqorisok chiories mori, vazzafrok yal mori, ma afichak vojjor samva Vaesaan Dothrak. Ki jini anha astak asqoy, anha, Drogo ki Bharbosi. Ki jini anha astak asqoy hatif Maisi Krazaaji kash shieraki vitihiri asavvasoon. Asavvasoon! Asavvasoon!
(And to my son, the stallion who will mount the world, I volition besides pledge a souvenir. I will requite him the iron chair that his mother's father sat upon. I volition requite him Vii Kingdoms. I, Drogo, will do this. I volition take my khalasar west to where the earth ends and ride wooden horses across the black salt water as no khal has done before! I volition kill the men in atomic number 26 suits and tear down their stone houses! I will rape their women, take their children equally slaves and bring their broken gods back to Vaes Dothrak! This, I vow, I, Drogo, son of Bharbo. I swear before the Mother of Mountains as the stars look downwards in witness! As the stars look down in witness!)
―Drogo swears to cantankerous the Narrow Sea and take the Fe Throne [src]
"Anha vazhok khadoes yeroon virsalat. Anha ochomok yeraan kijinosi. Inte vadakhie tihoa ma khewo afilki half-dozen gadimaan. Eyel varthasoe she ilekaan rikhoya arrekaan vekha vosi yeroon vosma tolorro!
(I volition not have you burned. I will not give y'all that accolade. The beetles will feed on your eyes. The worms will crawl through your lungs. The rain will fall on your rotting pare, until nothing is left merely basic!)
―Drogo while fighting Mago, subsequently Mago insults Daenerys. [src]
"(Sajo anni...vos, anha'th dothrak....)
My, I must ride....
―Drogo, febrile from the wound he suffered from his fight against Mago; these would ultimately exist his final words. [src]

Spoken about Drogo

"Do you lot see how long his hair is? When Dothraki are defeated in combat they cut off their braid and then the whole globe can encounter their shame. Khal Drogo has never been defeated. He'south a savage of class, but he's one of the finest killers alive. And you lot will be his queen."
―Viserys talking about Drogo to Daenerys. [src]

"Anha chiorikemoon ha Khalaan Drogo ki Bharbosi.
(I was wife to Khal Drogo, son of Khal Bharbo.)
―Daenerys to Khal Moro [src]

Behind the scenes


Conan Stevens who played Gregor Clegane, aka "The Mountain" for the testify'due south first flavor auditioned for the role. British actor David Harewood of Homeland and Supergirl fame read for the office.

In the books

In the A Song of Water ice and Fire novels, Khal Drogo commands forty thousand Dothraki warriors and is a skilled and respected state of war leader. His bloodriders are Cohollo, Qotho, and Haggo. Ko in his khalasar include Jhaqo, Pono, and Mago. He owns a palace in Vaes Dothrak and a nine-towered mansion in Pentos, given to him by the magisters of the city to buy him off to avert the Dothraki annexation the urban center.

Of note is his treatment of Daenerys on their wedding night, which is significantly more than sensitive than in the Tv set series, including explicitly asking her permission with the word "No?", to which Daenerys replies "Yes."

In the book, Mago does not defy Drogo nor picks a fight with him. Drogo is injured not by Mago, just during a battle against another khalasar, by a bloodrider of a rival khal.

Dothraki custom dictates that defeated warriors should shave their heads, only Drogo dies with all of his immensely long pilus, having never in one case been defeated in combat. In the books, the Dothraki adorn their long hair braids with various small bells, calculation new ones for each victory. Jason Momoa said the bells weren't included in the TV series because they weren't very scary in existent life: the constant jingling noises were somewhat comical, and information technology was felt they detracted from the operation.[18]

In the Dothraki tradition he has a long mustache, but no beard.

George R.R. Martin has stated that he is a huge fan of J.R.R. Tolkien'southward The Lord of the Rings, in which the male parent of the principal graphic symbol Frodo Baggins is named Drogo Baggins.

Encounter also


  1. HBO viewers guide, flavour 2 guide to houses, House Targaryen - Drogo entry
  2. two.0 2.1 2.ii two.3 2.4 "Winter Is Coming"
  3. "The Night Lands"
  4. "The Kingsroad"
  5. "Lord Snowfall"
  6. "The Wolf and the King of beasts"
  7. "A Golden Crown"
  8. "Yous Win or You lot Die"
  9. "The Pointy Cease"
  10. "Baelor"
  11. "Burn down and Blood"
  12. "Valar Morghulis"
  13. "The Souvenir"
  14. "The Cerise Woman"
  15. "Eastwatch"
  16. "The Dragon and the Wolf"
  17. "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms"
  18. Jason Mamoa Q&A
